Creating modern hardy hybrid daylillies...
especially for gardens in northern zones!

Daylily: Cookin' with Gas

Hybridizer: Owen, Paul
Year of Intro: 2019
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Bloom Size: 5.25 in.
Scape Height: 36.00 in.
Display Only
Basic Attributes:

blooms mid-season, reblooms, 3-4 branches, 18-24 bloom count, pod fertile, pollen fertile, dormant.

The pod-parent is Mr. Sizzle
The pollen-parent is Vitamin C


YIKES, this puppy is HOT!!!

Yes, I've seen other daylily cultivars with this facial look... so just what makes this one "slightly different"? Well... I'm quite happy to tell ya's!...

From the get-go, the strong dormant habit produces simply AMAZING structure... once past its classical (yet "enhanced") dormant emergence in the Spring, the massive foliage morphs into broad, thick leaves of the deepest green color on the lot. These huge leaves develop a silvery sheen to them, making a very attractive plant in the garden. Long before bloom, it makes for a very interesting foliage specimen! Interesting concept, don'tcha think? It still floors me that after over 2 decades of breeding and harping about the value of plants that draw attention in a garden through the entire season (including when NOT in bloom), I still seem to have trouble getting the point of "overall garden value" across to some folks... and breeders. I'm a professional gardener, who considers "all season" appeal a mandatory priority. But I digress (and getting off my plantstand now!)... back to this hottie, who's currently trying to grow for you:  Thick scapes then come on (again, with very deepened color), growing to a very nice height... and put on a very odd show of with their buds. The buds (for whatever reason) are nearly black, and retain that color to the tip until the day they bloom... into these amazingly fiery blooms of INCREDIBLE saturation, and of colors that complement the deep green of the plant.

No, I've not been able to capture the look in a photo of this new plant in situ that shows "overall" what I'm talking about... which truly hurts, as it sure would come in handy! Believe me, I've tried. In cooler temps (which are pretty rare 'round here in Summer), the colors can really deepen on this one... hence the last photo of how that looks.  Still SEARING, no matter what!

I really think y'all will LOVE this one just as much as I surely have... if not MORE!  Now get some fire under yer butt, and order ya up some for YOUR "all season garden"!  For sure, THEN even YOU will be... COOKIN' with GAS!  WOO HOO!!!

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