blooms mid-season, reblooms multiple times, 4-5 branches, 28-32 bloom count, pod fertile, pollen fertile, semi-evergreen.
The pod-parent is Sdlg.
The pollen-parent is Innocent Voices
Description: I SO love the vivid nature of a HOT orange in my gardens... it's SO cheerful! With the right form and performance, indeed... orange really can is beautiful!!! Especially is seems, when situated on unusually dark green (and very vigorous) plant habit.
This plant is a performer to beat the band... incredibly vibrant blooms for months, lots of 'em, and divine plant habit to boot! The plant's pod parent was somewhat similar, and sold to me as VENETIAN VOYAGER eons ago... obviously wrong. Knowing that the ID was incorrect, I refrained from using it as a parent... but it was such a great performer, so I eventually did! So glad too, because I'd have never come up with this here beauty!
The name of this plant was chosen by the club I have had the honor of being President of, the Foothills Daylily Society. Because every new member got a piece, I figured it was unnecessary to continue carrying it after the first few years. But since I truly love the plant, I've always had a display clump in my gardens here... and after so many demands from visitors to offer it again, I've only recently done so!
Fantastic breeder of hot oranges, such as VITAMIN C (2011), and QUEEN OF CAN DO (2010) well patterns like MR. SKEFFINGTON, 2013