Creating modern hardy hybrid daylillies...
especially for gardens in northern zones!

Our Gardens

Our "Slightly Different" Gardens

Take a stroll through our top rated AHS National Display Garden here!

Click HERE for our segment in "Life in the Carolinas" that aired in late 2018!

Here's a few aerial pic's taken looking north from above our front pasture - the entrance drive is actually really pretty, lined with 43 "Natchez White" crepe myrtles... and leads directly down to the barn. The barn is the original for what was once a 106-acre horse fam, but has been fixed up pretty nice now... and is now the centerpiece of our 5-acre garden!

Here's just the barn/gardens area...

... The "Swingside" sections...

The NE side, going up the "Weddin' Hill"...

Once on top the hill, the 7-county view (including the tallest peaks E of the MS River!) becomes pretty breathtaking!...

KInda pretty in the Fall, too!

And the actual gardens? They're pretty amazing, too (if I can say so myself - God knows I've worked hard enough to carve them out of a red clay hay pasture). Though definitely a "daylily nursery" (generally anywhere from 25-50K of them in ground, at some stage of development), there was no way I was going to subtract from the beauty of this property by having tons of unnatural structures everywhere. I originally founded the nursery as a wholesale grower of unusual perennials (hence the nursery's name), and only produced plants that had tested well in my PA gardens. I've never lost my interest in "all things beautiful", and my breeding of daylilies is founded on that basic belief to this day - that they do well in an ACTUAL garden, before ever getting released with a name. Since the fields here hadn't been amended with any sort of organic material in over 100 years, the last 15 here have been a VERY real challenge in getting even what would be considered an "average" garden soil situ established. This entire approach is more than just "slightly" different than any other nursery I've been to, and helps insure that over the 6-year schedule I use in developing new cultivars, plants I produce will be VERY ready to meet whatever challenges their new Moms and Dads have in store for 'em!

I DO loooooooves me sunflowers!!!...

Here's the cheapest, yet most POPULAR thing I've ever added to the joint!...

The majority of our view is of South Mountain State Park (NC's largest), so is rather pristine...

Okay... I could go on ALL day (and night!) with pic's of the gardens here, and admit I think this location kinda dictated that I put every ounce of my soul into 'em... so that's what I did, so forgive me for indulging! It still kinda amazes me when I have to rummage through all the pics I've taken here in order to do pages like this, as it's really startling to starkly remember what it was like here in the beginning. Almost bizarre how it looked in 2006, the first season after getting here...

The place has definitely "changed a bit" over the past 15 years here, that's for sure... and with so much more maturity now, I'd LOVE for ya to come see it IN THE FLESH! I always have an "Open Garden" during peak daylily bloom season (times on "Hours" page), but am always amicable to having people outside of that time - just call or text to make sure I'm here!

I don't care how ya get here... just COME SEE!

It's a great spot for all kinds of photo shoots, as well as fundraising events (of which I've had many). I've also had over 100 weddings here... nearly all from word of mouth. Now that there's 38 new venues in my county now, I really saw no need for that anymore - so I'm only booking 2-3/year now, and instead back into more community-oriented events! First up... Hospice of Cleveland County!

Do TRY to make it by, and see what "slightly different livin'" is ALL about!!!

See ya's SOON!!!


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