large, blooms early to mid-season, reblooms, 4-5 branches, 18-24 bloom count, pod fertile, pollen fertile, dormant.
The pod-parent is Leslie Renee
The pollen-parent is Jane's Hope
Description: 2018 AHS HM Award Winner!!!
When living in northern PA, it was really hard to find daylilies with the "rounded ruffled" look that could take our harsh winters... so I set out to create some. It was a long row to hoe (so t'speak), but THIS plant was most certainly one of the best I ever came up with! I (and many others) love the green throat, which is complimented so well with the striking sparkling green/gold edge. "Striking", as a result of the contrast in gorgeous deep rose colored self. TOO pretty, for such a tough and rugged plant!
The fact that these beauties were borne upon a solid dormant plant, on such well-branched scapes, and reblooms so quickly and reliably? Ohhhhhhh yeah!!!
Indeed, I've seen a fabulous clump of this on display at the Minnesota Arboretum in Minneopolis... and was quite proud! Actually, they have nearly 50 of my plants on display there... and it does my heart SO good to see so many of the kids thriving in such tundra!
The "floral" display photo is from Jane Guillard, taken in her garden in NJ. THANKS for lovin' the plant so much, Hon! :-*
I was out of this plant for several years, but through some horse-tradin', have some back again... at least for a little while, anyway! The overall value of a plant like this is most definitely far greater... so don't be passive on this deal - it's TIME to get AGGRESSIVE, and add to your cart!!!