Creating modern hardy hybrid daylillies...
especially for gardens in northern zones!

Daylily: Charles & Cynthia

Hybridizer: P. Owen
Year of Intro: 2012
Ploidy: Tetraploid
Bloom Size: 6.50 in.
Scape Height: 27.00 in.
Display Only
Basic Attributes:

large, blooms early to mid-season, reblooms, 4 branches, 20-24 bloom count, pod fertile, pollen fertile, dormant.

The pod-parent is On the Brink
The pollen-parent is God Save the Queen


Charles and Cynthia Lucius, I'm very proud to say, are very good friends of mine! I got to know them when speaking at one of the many daylily conventions we attend, and I must say, it's one of the best things to have ever happened to me! They've done SO many things for the "Daylily World" that it's flat impossible NOT to both love and admire them COMPLETELY!

Charles and Cynthia share a very sophisticated air about them, that is nearly palpable to all that know them... of very real love, kindness, consideration, and total devotion in doing the very best they can (at whatever they pursue!). I SO admire their attention to detail, which as many of us who attended the 2012 AHS Nat'l Convention (that they were Co-Chairs for), surely bore witness to! How they both work full-time jobs, yet still somehow find the time to run a daylily nursery is beyond me... but add in hosting such a grand event "in their spare time"??? WELL... I, for one, am in total awe of them BOTH!

For all these reasons (and more!), I searched my candidates... for the MOST "articulate" and "precise" cultivar available to name for them both, and think I found the PERFECT one! Amazingly consistent, very northern hardy, sophisticated bubbly and sparkling platinum edge, and impossible NOT to fall in love with... I do believe I've done my best here, to find "the one" to at least try to exemplify the beauty that is indeed SO like - Charles and Cynthia!

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